Create HTML <form>
with Markdown

Easily create and customize interactive HTML forms.

Utilize markdown-inspired syntax and choose from various popular frontend а frameworks for seamless web integration.

Create HTML Form - Build HTML forms with Markdown | Product Hunt


How it Works

What's the default style of the generated form?

The form is generated in the light style. To match your site's theme, customize it accordingly.

How is markdown transformed to HTML tags?

My approach is inspired by this prototype by @brikis98 created years ago.

  • Input: name/id = ___[modifier] placeholder
  • Dropdown: name/id = {value/display, value -> display, selected(NYC -> New York City)}
  • Radio/Checkbox group: name/id = () value/id (x - selected) medium () large
How can I set HTML5 validation?

Define validation within [..]. Based on patterns, different input types are generated:

  • name* = ... sets the required attribute.
  • [50] generates type="text" with size="50".
  • [100-200] generates type="number" with range min=100 and max=200.
  • [*] generates type="password".
  • [@] generates type="email".
  • [r100-200] generates type="range" input with min=100 and max=200.
  • [a3-2000] generates textarea with rows=3 lines and maxlength=2000.
Which input field types are supported?

Use the modifier name = ___[modifier] to define the input type:

  • text - Single-line text.
  • textarea - Multi-line text.
  • radio - Radio buttons.
  • checkbox - Checkbox.
  • file - File uploader.
  • button - Generic button.
  • submit - Submit button.
  • reset - Reset button.
  • color - Color selector.
  • date - Date selector.
  • datetime-local - Date & time selector.
  • email - Email field.
  • month - Month selector.
  • number - Numeric field.
  • password - Password field.
  • range - Slider.
  • search - Search field.
  • tel - Phone number field.
  • time - Time selector.
  • url - URL field.
  • week - Week selector.
How to further customize forms or add more validations?

Copy the generated form into your project and adapt as needed. If you have some improvements suggestions, feel free to contact me at